Linkable World Protocol

The Linkable World Protocol is a set of standardized protocols for Metaworlds. To implement the cross-world mechanism, Skytopia has developed specifications for virtual Metaworlds in terms of content, assets and interactions. These form a standardized theory and methodology for building Metaworlds that can cover the application needs of almost all virtual scenarios. Content creators can implement their games, applications and other virtual content with this protocol and connect to Skytopia metaverse.


​Humanoid Avatar is the most commonly used type of Avatar, while non-Humanoid Avatar also has an irreplaceable use-case scenario. The Metaworld needs to provide the requirement definition of the skeleton, movement, size, and other aspects of its Avatar. The player needs to use the Avatar that meets the specified requirements when entering the Metaworld.


Skytopia standardizes the art assets and gameplay of the Metaworld respectively, so that the backend service of the virtual Metaworld can run consistently on decentralized servers and content creators can continuously update their content. Continuous content updates are the essential element for the user experience to move from average to extraordinary.

Cross-world Interaction

Cross-world interaction is mainly based on the standard communication protocol of the Metaworld, and Skytopia has designed a cross-world message pipeline to which Metaworlds can subscribe and send standardized messages to enable interaction between different Metaworlds.


Metaworlds connected to the Skytopia metaverse can have their own independent economic systems, and Skytopia provides a decentralized exchange for asset conversion between different Metaworlds. In order to avoid the malignant asset depreciation that may occur in a single Metaworld and affect the entire Skytopia economic system, the economic model of the Metaworld needs to follow Skytopia's economic value criteria.

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