
Magic Crystal Mine

Players need to add magic crystals to the land. The magic crystal mine contains various crystals with special powers that the magic tutors can use to create various magical props. Magic tutors also have to use magic crystals to survive the harsh environment when they go out for exploration and collection.

Inside the magic crystal mine, it is intricate and complex; only magic spirits, a special kind of magic creature, can find pure crystals inside the magic crystal mine. Magic crystals have 10 elemental properties. Using the right magic spirit will increase the yield of crystals dug within the magic crystal mine.

Some magical spirits will be attracted to the player's village. Check your village regularly to collect more magical spirits.

Collection Hut

There are magic spirits all around. When players need more magic spirits, they send a magic tutor to find them and they return when they've found enough magic spirits outside. While a magic tutor is on the quest, they cannot be involved in other activities. In future versions, we will expand the space for magic tutors to explore, and for them to find all kinds of rare props as well as tokens.

Exploration Hut

Around the village, there are apprentices with strong magical talent. While sending a magic tutor to find these apprentices will cost more magic crystals and a certain amount of tokens, it will be worth it. Adding magic apprentices makes the planet more lively, and players can also train magic apprentices to become magic apostles, or even magic tutors NFT.

Magic Workshop

Magic Workshop is a place where magic tutors use crystals to create various materials, upgrade buildings and synthesize various magic props. As the level of Magic Workshop is upgraded, Tutors can create more advanced magic materials and synthesize more powerful magic props.

Magic Academy

Here apprentices are promoted to Magic Apostles after their studies, and Magic Apostles are upgraded to Magic Tutors after the teaching ceremony.


  • When a Magic Apprentice is idle, the player can send the apprentice to the Magic Academy at any time to study. They can also consume tokens and magic crystals to upgrade the apprentice to a Magic Apostle, who will improve his attributes and master two magic skills after the upgrade.

  • Players can use additional magic props to enable apprentices to master additional and rare magic skills during their upgrading process.

Teaching Ceremony:

  • When a Magic Apostle is idle, the player can look for another Magic Tutor who has teaching spots. They can use tokens and crystals in the magic academy to have the Tutor teach skills to the Apostle. After the teaching ceremony, the Apostle will be upgraded to be a Magic Tutor, mastering two additional magic skills and further improving attributes.

  • Players can use additional magic props to increase the chance of a Magic Apostle learning a rare skill from a Magic Tutor.

Magic Hut:

The Magic Hut is where all residents live. Upgrading the Magic Hut can maximize the number of residents working at the same time.

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