Village Construction

Mysterious Village is the home of your residents. Various buildings are placed in the village, including Magic Crystal Mine, Mage Hut, Exploration Hut, Collection Hut, Magic Workshop, Magic Academy and so on.

Initially, players can only place a small number of buildings in the village. After the village is upgraded, more buildings can be placed. When the village reaches a certain level, the village will become bigger and players will get higher revenue. In the future, players will be able to visit the village of their friends.

Main buildings:

  • Magic Crystal Mine: With the assistance of magic spirits, players collect various magic crystals from the magic crystal mine for the cultivation of magic tutors and the production of props.

  • Collection Hut: Players send their magic tutors out to collect magic spirits, and the tutors have a chance to bring back additional rewards when they return.

  • Exploration Hut: Players send their magic tutors out to explore and sometimes they find homeless residents for the magic academy.

  • Magic Workshop: Players assign magic tutors to select suitable recipes from various magic recipes to make different magic items.

  • Magic Academy: New residents found through exploration can become new magic tutors after studying in the magic academy and passing the teaching ceremony.

  • Magic Hut: Upgrade the Magic Hut to increase the number of residents working at the same time.

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