What is a Metaworld?

A ‘Metaworld’ is a 3D virtual social environment built around specific content where people can play games, enjoy virtual content, or participate in virtual activities with friends.

Unlike the Web2.0 era when games or applications were fragmented, Skytopia's Metaworlds are linked. With the help of Linkable Metaworld Protocol, the barriers of virtual space will be broken down and players can jump between different Metaworlds. Together, these linked Metaworlds build an infinitely expandable Skytopia metaverse.

Who can build the Metaworlds?

Everyone can build their own Metaworld and plug them into the Skytopia metaverse, without the need to buy any 'Land NFT'. We will build the linkable Metaworld SDK as well as templates on major content creation engines such as Unity, Unreal Engine and more, so that community members and professional developers can easily create their Metaworlds.

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