
The residents of village are born with magic, but only those who are extremely gifted will have the opportunity to become a magical tutor after a long period of study and practice by passing the teaching ceremony of the magic academy.



Magic Apprentices are distributed all around the village. When Magic Tutors are out exploring, they will find apprentices with great talent and bring them back to the player's village. After studying at the magic academy, the apprentice will be upgraded to a mage and gain powerful magic.


Magic Apostles are the backbone of the homeland. Magic Apostles who have a certain amount of power can find crystals in the magic crystal mines with the help of magic spirits. After accumulating enough power, the Apostles will be taught by Magic Tutors in the magic academy and become Tutors themselves.


A Magic Tutor is a symbol of wisdom and strength, and it is the dream of every apprentice to become one. Cultivating a powerful magic tutor is the ultimate goal that every player pursues. A Tutor can be involved in any productive activity, and can also teach their powerful magic to an Apostle to become a new Tutor. In future, we will add various mini-games featuring magic tutors to provide players with a fun experience around magic tutors!


Magic Properties

Residents have one of the following magical properties.

Main Element Properties

  • Sun

  • Moon

  • Star

  • Pearl

  • Crystal

  • Diamond

Hidden Element Properties

  • Grass

  • Flower

  • Mushroom

Physical Qualities

In addition to the differences in magical properties, the residents world have differences in their physical qualities. Some residents are luckier than normal, some residents are agile, and some residents are very smart. Each time a resident is upgraded, a certain amount of their physical qualities will be enhanced.

The following are the types of physical qualities.

  • Endurance

  • Intelligence

  • Luck

  • Speed


The Magic Apostle has two magic skills, and the Magic Tutor has four magic skills. These magic skills all have different element properties and uses, and different rarities with the rarer the skill, the stronger the effect. In the game play of the magic world expansion, the residents' magic skills will have different effects.

Magic Academy

The Magic Academy is the most mysterious building in this world, where generations of magic tutors are born. No one knows what the process of the teaching ceremony is, only that after the teaching ceremony, the Apostle will be upgraded to a Tutor.

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